Friday, November 04, 2005

Mrs. Clean I am not

I have got to get in the cleaning mode. Ok, correction: I have got to get into the unpacking mode. Mr. L and I have lived in the new house for just over a month and I still am only 50% unpacked. You would think with all the time off I had this week I would unpack but noooo, I was lazy instead and watched too much E! True Hollywood Story.

Damn that show, damn it for being so addictive.

I think the problem is that the unpacked boxes are easy to ignore... we've strategically located them to the three rooms we use the least: the den and the two spare bedrooms. What I need to do is start moving them out into the middle of the hallway for me to trip and curse over twenty times.

Hopefully I will get my act together and have everything unpacked before Thanksgiving. Holy god my mom would flip her shit if she saw all of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
