Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!

What is up with women and the word "ma'am"? Three times today - count them, THREE! - I was told by a woman that it is "disrespectful" (well, technically one of them told me it was "irrespectful" but whatever) to call her ma'am. Disrespectful? When did this happen? I was raised to be a lady and that included the phrases "no, ma'am," "yes, ma'am," "no, sir," and, my father's favorite, "yes, sir." Please excuse my upbringing if I dare be so "irrespectful" in public to you, your highness.

You know, I could call you a cuntrag and then everyone would feel disrespected. Great, now I've used the c-word... there went that lady-like upbringing.



Anonymous said...

Well, lets see... ma'am is short for madam. Perhaps they thought you were accusing them of running prostitution rings.

Anonymous said...

I find "shit stain" or "dick licker" often gets the job done.

Welcome, dollface!

C. Hedges said...

Welcome to the blogosphere ma'am!

I found your site through Region Broad's.

Good luck blogging!

FYI: This is off-topic. You should turn on "word verification" to avoid spam comments.