Monday, December 26, 2005

It's getting dusty in here

My apologies for the long hiatus (you know, to the three people who actually read this), it's been a stressful few weeks. Allow me to give you a quick run down:

1. Quit Mega-Stressful Job from Hell™
2. Started new, less stressful job
3. Found out I was pregnant (despite being on birth control)
4. Had miscarriage
5. Parents come to town
6. Thanksgiving
7. Some how made it through Thanksgiving without strangling my mom (henceforth known as Da Momma)
8. Found out I was pregnant, again
9. Decide that husband has ultra-strong swimmers
10. Second miscarriage
11. Twenty-second birthday
12. Christmas

I have many things to blog about so keep an eye out for many entries to come!


Anonymous said...

My darling. Hit me up if you need to talk. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Um ... were you planning on telling me any of this BEFORE I READ IT HERE!??? (dead fish eye)

Hope you're all right.

greeneyes said...

I'll bend over while you get the wet noodle.
